Saturday, March 1, 2014

2:00 AM

Hotel Imperium Bandung
untuk reservasi tlp langsung ke hotel atau online ke hotel website disini www.hotelimperiumbandung.com
Alamat : Jalan Doktor Rum No.30-32, 40171, Indonesi +62 22 4202244
Bandung is the 3rd most interesting city for tourist, city of education, city of culture, and city of politeness represented by friendly people, helpful, and creative people.
To visit Bandung is just 2 (two) hour drive from Jakarta and also same duration by train.
The Imperium International Hotel is surrounded by sites of interest to visit:
• Tangkuban perahu creature (Tangkuban Parahu Mountain) the height gives you cool weather (only an hour from Imperium).
• 10 (ten minutes) from Husein Sastra Negara local Air port.
• 5 (five minutes) from train station.
• 5 (five minutes) from shopping area, and also malls.
• 10 ( ten minutes ) from the major Universities in Bandung ( ITB, UNPAD, Maranatha )
• Even more 5 minutes from Dago the most popular for entertainment area.

peta hotel imperium bandung:

Cukup banyak juga jumlah Hotel di Bandung yang levelnya Bintang 3, salah satunya adalalah Hotel Imperium Bandung.Penginapan ini bisa dibilang sebagai hotel terbaik,favorit,murah,populer sering dikunjungi para wisatawan yang singgah di Kota Kembang.Hotel Imperium International (3 Star) beralamat di Jl. Dr. Rum No.30-32, Bandung, Jawa Barat,Indonesia.

Hotel Imperium International berlokasi dekat dengan tempat tempat wisata Bandung yang Eksotis seperti Kawah Tangkuban Perahu yang dapat di tempuh dalam waktu 1 jam berkendara dari Hotel,dan tempat umum penting lainnya seperti Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara,Stasiun Kereta Api,Pusat perbelanjaan dan Universitas ITB,yang dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 15 menit berkendara.

Hotel bintang 3 di Bandung ini memiliki 83 kamar yang setiap kamarnya didesain dengan model clasic dan fasilitas kenyamanan yang lengkap dan Modern seperti AC,TV,Telepon Idd,Savety Box pribadi,minibar,kamar mandi shower.Dengan fasilitas hotel yang diberikan dan lokasi hotel yang strategis,hotel ini sangat ideal bagi peristirahatan anda yang sedang nelakukan liburan wisata atau melakukan perjalanan bisnis.Ini salah satu Hotel Murah di Bandung untuk ukuran di kelasnya.
3 (three) stars hotel with 83 rooms:
Consist of :
48 Standard Rooms
32 Executive Rooms
2 Junior Suite Rooms
1 Presidential Suite Room

Rate our Bandung hotel with thumbs up and feel justified when you share the experience with friends. An absolute urban getaway awaits, with each room elegantly designed and fully fitted with amenities for a relaxing stay.
Cable television
Coffee/ tea maker
Daily breakfast

Standard Room Rp 850.000/night
Facilities :  TV Cable Channels , Air Conditioner, Telephone, Tea & Coffee Maker, Mini Bar, Hot & Cold Water,
The above rates are include : Breakfast for two person,  Service & Tax, Not valid for Peak Season, Rate is subject to be changed without prior notification.

Executive room :Rp 1.400.000,-
Facilities :  TV Cable Channels, Air Conditioner, Telephone, Tea & Coffee Maker, Mini Bar, Hot & Cold Water
The above rates are include : Breakfast for two person, Service & Tax, Not valid for Peak Season,  Rate is subject to be changed without prior notification.

Junior Suite Room : Rp 1.920.000,-
Facilities : Living Room, TV Cable Channels, Air Conditioner, Telephone, Tea & Coffee Maker, Mini Bar, Hot & Cold Water
The above rates are include : Breakfast for two person,  Service & Tax, Not valid for Peak Season, Rate is subject to be changed without prior notification

Imperium Suite Room : Rp 2.160.000,-
Facilities :  Living Room, TV Cable Channels, Air Conditioner, Telephone, Tea & Coffee Maker, Mini Bar, Hot & Cold Water
The above rates are include : Breakfast for two person, Service & Tax, Not valid for Peak Season, Rate is subject to be changed without prior notification.


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